February 2023

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.




Lichen are only recorded at each new OS Grid location (hover for Grid Ref). They are then entered on the British Lichen Society spreadsheet and submitted for their Warwickshire VC38 Lichen database and Lichen mapping.

Churchyard lichens - St Mary and All Saints - Haselor.

Lichenicolous Fungi

VC33- East Gloucestershire - Churchyard Lichen

VC77 - South Lanarkshire - Lichen

All the Ramalina fraxinea were found on the ground after a heavy rainfall the night before.

This very large piece of Ramalina fraxinea below was placed on a 75mm wide fence post to give a scale as to its size compared to the others found.

VC77 - South Lanarkshire - Lichenicolous fungi

Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

a)  A pair of Lapwings

b)  Skylark

c)  Jay