September 2022

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.

Wild Animals

Finally manage to catch this Buck Muntjac Deer. They are so very easily spooked and previously only managed to catch their rear end disappearing into the trees and bushes.





Lots of Fungi starting to appear this month now we have had some damper weather.

The Flame Shield Fungus (Pluteus aurantiorugosus) is not a common wood-rotting mushroom and is largely restricted to Southern England and South Wales.


Lichen are only recorded at each new OS Grid location (hover for Grid Ref). They are then entered on the British Lichen Society spreadsheet and submitted for their Warwickshire VC38 Lichen database and Lichen mapping.

Non-Churchyard lichens

Lichenicolous Fungi

A lichenicolous fungus is a parasitic fungus that only lives on lichen.

Note - The form of the orange lichenicolous fungi in this case is untypical as normally it is more bulbous in nature. See photographs in the Lichen library section. Therefore the jury is out as to whether this ID is correct or not.

VC37 - Worcestershire - Lichen

Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

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