July 2022

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.



The moths below are three of the day time flying moths.


Damselflies have an average life of one to two weeks with a maximum of eight.

Insects - Beetles

Insects - Flies

Insects - Spiders

The Nurseryweb spider (Pisaura mirablis) fixes her egg sac to tall vegetation when the eggs are about to hatch. She then creates a large spherical tent web structure around the egg sac which she then guards until the young spiders emerge. Hence the term Nurseryweb spider. The web structure does not play a part in catching prey as this spider is another ambush predator.


Lichen are only recorded at each new OS Grid location (hover for Grid Ref). They are then entered on the British Lichen Society spreadsheet and submitted for their Warwickshire VC38 Lichen database and Lichen mapping.

Non-Churchyard lichens

VC37 - Worcestershire- Pershore Abbey

VC77 - South Lanarkshire

Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

a)  Red Kite - once again