February 2022

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.



Slime moulds

Notice the small brown patch on the top left of the photographs. This is the start of the next phase of this slime mould where it will turn fully brown enabling it to release its spores.



Lichen are only recorded at each new OS Grid location (hover for Grid Ref). They are then entered on the British Lichen Society spreadsheet and submitted for their Warwickshire VC38 Lichen database and Lichen mapping.

Non-Churchyard lichens

Lichenicolous fungi

The above lighter pink colour is due to the pink clusters being dissolved and washed away by rainwater. The Illosporiopsis christiansenii lichenicolous fungi does not actually damage the host unlike the others.

VC77 Lanarkshire Lichen

Non-Churchyard lichens

VC77 Lanarkshire Fungi

Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

a) Decent Partridge, Yellow Hammer and Chaffinch photograph.

b) Roe deer.