June 2023

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.


Insects - Butterflies

Insects - Damselflies

Damselflies have an average life of one to two weeks with a maximum of eight.

Insects - Dragonflies

Most Dragonflies live on average two to three weeks with six at the most.

Insects - Ladybirds

Insects - Beetles

Insects - Flies

Insects - Spiders

The Nursery web spider is a common spider of grassland and scrub, and is often seen sunbathing among Brambles and Stinging Nettles. The adults are active hunters and do not spin a web to catch food, instead using a quick sprint to capture flies and other insects. The female carries her large, round egg-sac in her fangs. When the young are about to hatch, she builds a silk sheet among the vegetation to act as a tent, sheltering them until they are old enough to leave on their own. 



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Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

a) A Fox

b) A Heron

c) Red Admiral Butterflies