December 2023

Please refer to the Introduction Page to understand the context behind the monthly photographs.


The white hind Fallow Deer spotted again near the same Wood as in the January post this year. 


The Ring necked Parakeet is the UK's only naturalised parrot - This is one of the three - one male and two females currently resident in my town for a year or so. Both male and female have bright green plumage but only the adult males have a black chin and red mark on the neck. In flight, it has pointed wings and a long tail and flies very speedily. It's loud call often gives it away.


VC37 - Worcestershire - Fungi

Slime Moulds



Lichen are only recorded at each new OS Grid location (hover for Grid Ref). They are then entered on the British Lichen Society spreadsheet and submitted for their Warwickshire VC38 Lichen database and Lichen mapping.

Note - the two close up shots of Caloplaca flavocitrina appear greener than the yellow with a green tinge shown in the over photograph. This difference due to the colour calibration of the different cameras used for the close ups. 

VC37 - Worcestershire - Lichen


Ones that escaped the camera lens this month

a) Brimstone butterfly second week in December !!!